Thanks so much to all participants!

Session One: Plotting
Sunday 8th January 2023 8.00-9.30pm GMT (Zoom)
Setting your goals for your romance writing in 2023 (type yours in the group chat space).
Kiley talks about plotting and key romance ‘beats’ you won’t want to neglect when planning your novel, sharing her step by step model for writing the highs and lows of satisfying, absorbing romance plots.
Ask Kiley: Q&A on plotting.
Quickie advice on getting your plot outlines on the page and ready to email for optional feedback opportunity.
OPTIONAL FEEDBACK OPPORTUNITY: Email Kiley your plot outlines by February 14th 2023
(Format: up to two A4 pages, 12. size, Times New Roman and double spaced)
Kiley feeds back on your plot outlines throughout February and March (by email)
Session Two: Meet Cute & First Kisses
Sunday 2nd April 2023 8.00-9.30pm GMT (Zoom)
Kiley talks about writing meet cutes and those first glances, touches and kisses.
Ask Kiley: Q&A on any aspects of your novels
Session Three: Deepening Conflict
Sunday 3rd September 8.00-9.30pm GMT (Zoom)
Kiley talks about deepening conflict and turning up the feels for your readers.
Plus advice on writing for the seasonal romance markets (Summer and Winter reads) and what this means for your settings and stories.
Q&A on any aspects of your novels.
Session Four: Happy Ever After
Sunday 3rd December 8.00-9.45pm (Zoom)
Kiley talks about the Big Finish, writing ‘Happy Ever After’ and ‘Happy for Now’ endings, satisfying reader expectations and saying goodbye to your characters.
Plus advice on next steps, edits, submissions, getting published, and developing a series.
Group chat about how your novel is going. Pop the festive bubbly, bust out the mince pies, and chat together about your progress.
OPTIONAL FEEDBACK OPPORTUNITY: Email Kiley up to 8,000 words for feedback by December 31st 2023, preferably your opening chapters.
(Format: 12. size, Times New Roman and double spaced)
Kiley will email your feedback throughout January and February 2024.
More Information
Who are these sessions for?
*If you’ve had an idea for a romance novel simmering in your brain and now it’s time to write it all down, this is for you.
*Whether you have a contract signed or a personal indie publishing goal for the year, this is for you.
*If you’ve published before but want to switch to the romance genre, you’re in too!
*If you’re an experienced romance author looking for companionship and inspiration, please come along.
We’ll cover craft tips and industry advice with enough detail for a complete beginner to gain confidence and get started in writing a romance novel, and there’ll be plenty fresh takes and personal insight from Kiley about her own writing to interest already established authors looking for a writing boost in 2023.
Who is Kiley Dunbar?
Find out about your course tutor here.
What does ‘Romance novel’ mean for the purposes of this course?
This course is for writers creating stories which adhere to the basic definition of a romance novel: a story which centres around people exploring their relationship and romantic love (however that might look for your characters) and which builds to a Happy Ever After ending or a Happy for Now for your central lovers.
Any heat level, all genders, all sexualities. All subgenres and mash-ups as long as the book you’re writing meets the above criteria, you are welcome.
How will the sessions work?
Live captions will be enabled during the live Zoom sessions, your cameras will be off and mics muted and only Kiley will be seen on screen as she talks live. You can choose to put mics/cameras on during Q&As but participation will be optional in these, so don’t worry if you’re feeling shy.
All four zoom sessions will be recorded and shared in an emailed link with participants to watch again. So, if you can’t make it to the live session, you can catch up any time. Those links will expire on December 31st 2023, so be sure to watch them before then.
The Q&A portion of the session will also be recorded so please be aware of this during the sessions if you choose to speak/be on camera.
Zoom links will be emailed to you no later than 24 hours before the start of each session, and we’ll hold a zoom test for those nervous about getting logged in on the 8th January at 7.00-8.00pm GMT with our technician on standby and Kiley’s email inbox will be open ( to help with any problems (they may ask for a phone number to ring you during that slot, should you need extra guidance).
Costs and Payment
£250 GBP flat rate for all participants, to be paid in advance by PayPal or Bank Transfer by December 31st 2022. You will receive an emailed receipt from Kiley acknowledging payment. No cheques please.
If you choose not to use one or both of the optional feedback opportunities, there is no reduction in course cost.
Should you be unable to participate Kiley will refund your fees up to the course commencing. No refunds will be issued after Sunday 8th January 2023 8.00PM GMT unless in exceptional circumstances.
Should Kiley be unable to host a session on the date or time advertised (she is a parent carer and occasionally things she can’t predict can crop up), she will let you know as soon as she is aware there’s a conflict and she’ll reschedule to the next Sunday evening.
How do I register?
Send an email to with your full name (plus author name if you have one) to be added to the class list.
Payment information will be emailed back in response to your email. Once you’ve paid, you’re in!
Your safety in class – a note from Kiley
I want you to feel safe and happy in the learning environment.
As an experienced university lecturer (and as a welcoming, loving human being) I will be very careful to safeguard all participants in every session by employing a zero tolerance policy for any dangerous or hateful speech acts.
Participants expressing intolerant views that could cause harm to any protected group or vulnerable person will immediately be removed from the session and the course.
For my own well-being I won’t read and feedback on any novel extract or plot outline that features explicit/graphic sexual abuse or sexualisation of minors.